Morgan's First Year

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Under Contract read that correctly! After numerous counter offers and a lesson learned by the buyers they have finally accepted our counter offer. So, things are moving quickly. Our home inspection is either tomorrow or Thursday and should things go well with that our house will go to close.

As of now our household goods packing dates are Sep. 10 & 11 (we will be home from IL Sep. 7). Our household goods pick-up will be Sep. 12 and our closing will be Sep. 15.

So that has us living the nomadic life with Morgan and the 2 dogs until we leave here Oct. 22 for California. Our good friends Kevin and Nealy Seibel have graciously offered for us to stay with them until we leave. It will be crowded with 6 adults, 3 kids and 5 dogs, but we'll work it out.


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