(Santa left Sugar for Morgan as a trade for her paci's. Morgan happily traded her paci's for Sugar who she named after the real Sugar she got to ride in early November.)

Dearest Morgan Jo,
It is hard to believe you are two years old already! Where has the time gone? You have grown so much in the last year and have become such a beautiful, sweet, and caring little girl. You continue to amaze us every day with your vocabulary, skills, and how quickly you learn new things. How exciting it is to watch you grow and mature into such a loving little girl. Every day you bring joy to our lives with your sweet and funny ways. Your love of all things horsey related continues to amuse us. Watching your sheer joy and excitement when playing with your horses is fascinating.
Daddy and I are so proud of how kind and loving and how very smart you are! We both love you more than words can say and we look forward to watching you continue grow. We are so blessed God chose us to be your parents, what an honor it is!
Happy 2nd Birthday Sweet Baby Girl!
All Our Love,
Mommy and Daddy